P & J Cleaning Service
Why Choose Us
Why we are right for you!
- Having to deal with a “live telephone operator” is not always the most pleasant experience. P&J Cleaning Service is a family owned business. So you might ask “what does this mean to me”? This means we are able to offer you a more customizable service, accommodating your own individual needs!
- We also provide in-home consultations in which we fully discuss your specific needs as well as develop a schedule that will accommodate your lifestyle! Like wise if you are a business we will develop a schedule to fit your business hours and needs.
- Because we value each and every one of our customers, our company hires professional employees who must complete extensive training procedures.
- Finding a trustworthy and reliable independent cleaner can be very exhausting, let alone very risky. Here at P&J Cleaning we offer a Professional Business Service not independent cleaners. You might ask why is this important? By being a licensed and insured business we provide a no risk service, being properly insurance protects YOU as our customer should any damages occur.
What we can offer you.
- 24/7 coverage
- Emergency response 24 hrs/day
- Flexible Schedules servicing nights, weekends and holidays!
Want to see our references?
At you request we have a complete list of jobs that we have completed through-out our years of experience. We look forward to making you our next happy customer. See some of our customer reviews!