Snow And Ice Removal: What Experts Advice For Risk Management

Snow And Ice Removal
  •  November 19, 2021

Snow And Ice Removal: What Experts Advice For Risk Management

Fresh snowfall looks beautiful, but it comes with a lot of risks. Parking lots, sidewalks, and driveways must be safe for everyone visiting your property, whether office or home. With the help of the professionals, you not only reduce the risk of injuries but also come out as a responsible citizen. Make all the necessary arrangements before the storms are forecast to enjoy this winter season. 

Here is a quick guide for snow and ice removal and what experts recommend for risk management.

Pre-Storm PreparationExperts recommend the following tips before the storm hits –  

  • Roof InspectionCheck your roof for any drains and see that the gutters are in good condition. 
  • Branches – The branches of trees can fall on the building due to heavy snowfall. So, trim the tree branches.
  • Regulate The Temperature Of Every Place – Don’t overlook the areas in your building that are unoccupied. Keep them at least 45 degrees Fahrenheit. Doing this will prevent the pipes from freezing.

Snow Plowing TipsThe most effective method to clean and clear the driveways and the parking lot is plowing. Here is what you need to know –

  • Start Plowing After The Snowfall – If you wait for too long for plowing after the snowfall, the snow may turn icy and get hard. On the other hand, warm conditions can cause the ice to turn into a slushy mess. Thus, start plowing right after the snowfall to make things easier.
  • Snow Tires – If there is no traction in your tires, you won’t be able to push the snow. Therefore, buying snow tires makes it easy to plow.
  • Work Systematically – If you are clearing a small lot, begin with the opposite end, where you will be piling snow. Keep pushing the snow toward the pile till you clear the path. You may have to repeat the process if there is heavy rainfall. Whatever is the case, work systematically to save your time and energy.

 Snow Shoveling Tips  If you are looking to remove snow from sidewalks and walkways, shoveling is the answer. 

  • Good Quality Shovel – Professionals recommend having a good quality shovel to remove snow. You should spend a little extra on a quality shovel instead of using an inferior one. Also, remember to not use a bigger shovel as it can cause you back pain. Go for a C-shaped shovel for lighter snowfalls and an S-shaped shovel for heavy snowfall.
  • Shovel Frequently – It is best to shovel often in the snowfall season. If you procrastinate, you are giving an invitation to difficulties. How? The snow will start sticking to the ground and may even freeze if you do not shovel one in the entire day.

Ice Removal TipsWhile a shovel is required to remove snow; ice demands a different approach. Following are some tips –  

  • Check Your Roof – If your roof accumulates ice, it becomes difficult to remove it, especially if you live in more than a one-story building. Thus, put calcium chloride in nylon stockings and place them vertically on the roof. Place them in a position that the stocking intersects the ice dam. This will allow the water to melt and flow down the roof.
  • Eliminate The Icicles – Get rid of the icicles by knocking them down using a broom. Ensure that you do not hit anybody while removing the icicle. Steer clear of removing icicles near the electrical line.

Benefits Of Hiring Professional Snow Removal Services:-

It is mandatory to keep your home, roofs, sidewalks, and parking lots clean and clear during winters for the safety of everyone. But there is no doubt that doing it is a time-consuming and risky task. Why indulge in such hassle when you have the choice to hand over this task to the professionals? Read below to know what facilities you can get if you opt for snow removal Hartford ct professionals. Let’s get started.

Improves SafetyYou cannot deny that you must have come across many accidents that take place in winters due to ice and snow. Snow-covered parking lots can lead to a collision between vehicles. Ice on the sidewalks is the most common reason for fall accidents. These conditions pose a threat, especially if you have customers walking into your business. 

Keeping the driveways, sidewalks, and roofs free from snow is also safe for your family members. The professionals at P&J cleaning services can make this work easier for you. They remove the ice from your home or office so that you can avoid injuries. 

Moreover, hiring professionals keeps the entire exterior area safe for everyone. And if you do it yourself and somebody injures you, they can sue you as a result of unsafe conditions. Hence, professional services free your property from a lawsuit. 

Cleaner AestheticsNot to mention that a snowy aesthetic looks appealing for your property, but it also becomes unmanageable if you don’t keep these spaces free from snow and ice. Footprints and tire tracks on snow look poor. Besides, if snow turns into ice, it can create slippery conditions for everyone.  

People and customers would like to visit those properties that have clean exteriors. And professional snow removal services remove the snow in a way to create an attractive appearance for your property. This way, you move towards a cleaner aesthetics. 

Bottom Line!

Now that you have known the advice of the experts for risk management when it comes to snow removal, why not take their help to handle the snow removal in the best manner? Professional snow removalists of P&J cleaning can handle all types of cleaning, ranging from snow removal to residential cleaning to construction cleaning and many more. We will bring their own equipment and produce the best results. 

So,  hurry and contact us now as winter is approaching. Call us at (860) 216-9155 for more information or contact us now.